A major problem with the Bmw E34/E32 especially the BMW M30 3.5l out of the 535i: overheating.
Don’t expect the headgasket to last long in these conditions.
The temperature needle should be at the 1/2 mark all the time. If the needle is near the 3/4 mark or red area, you have an overheating problem, fix it soon.
On the BMW E34 525i 92 on and the E36 325i/is with M50 engine, the engines were fitted with plastic impellers waterpumps. These waterpumps fails, the impeller desintegrates and you are left with no waterpump at all… the engine overheats. You need to check that you have a waterpump with metal impeller. Change your waterpump ASAP if yours has a plastic impeller.
Tools Needed
Make sure to check over your upper and lower radiator hoses. Make sure they aren’t worn or leaking. We recommend replacing them if this is the first time touching your cooling system.
Bleeding Procedure | |||||
Radiator-mounted expansion tank: Separate expansion tank: 2. Set the temperature setting to full warm and start the engine. M20 Bleeding experience by moots: Just to share a simple method to bleed the cooling system. I really cannot comprehend why we need to bleed, bleed and re-bleed the cooling system after every maintenance.I did this after replacing the thermostat and flushing the coolant: 2. When full, put a finger over the reservoir bleed hole and blow, yes,blow into the reservoir filler neck.(we are basically pressurizing the system) 5. Now blow again until coolant exits the reservoir bleed hole and tighten when bubble free. 6. Top up coolant to the cold/kalt mark, and tighten cap. You’re done. No more bleeding is required as all air is purged from the system. I have done this 4 times on three cars and it worked like a charm.